Specifying data relations with Binding Keys

When source consists of multiple datasets, binding keys allow to define what relations occur between them. When binding keys are defined, applying filtering on one dataset may result with updating (filtering) the other ones.

To explain how binding keys work and how to define them we’ll be using cohortBuilder::librarian dataset:

#> List of 4
#>  $ books    : tibble [17 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>   ..$ isbn     : chr [1:17] "0-385-50420-9" "0-7679-0817-1" "978-0-15-602943-8" "0-224-06252-2" ...
#>   ..$ title    : chr [1:17] "The Da Vinci Code" "A Short History of Nearly Everything" "The Time Traveler's Wife" "Atonement" ...
#>   ..$ genre    : chr [1:17] "Crime, Thriller & Adventure" "Popular Science" "General & Literary Fiction" "General & Literary Fiction" ...
#>   ..$ publisher: chr [1:17] "Transworld" "Transworld" "Random House" "Random House" ...
#>   ..$ author   : chr [1:17] "Dan Brown" "Bill Bryson" "Audrey Niffenegger" "Ian McEwan" ...
#>   ..$ copies   : int [1:17] 7 4 2 8 11 4 9 1 14 11 ...
#>  $ borrowers: tibble [20 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>   ..$ id          : chr [1:20] "000001" "000002" "000003" "000004" ...
#>   ..$ registered  : Date[1:20], format: "2001-06-09" "2002-08-10" ...
#>   ..$ address     : chr [1:20] "66 N. Evergreen Ave. Norristown, PA 19401" "8196 Windsor Road Muscatine, IA 52761" "6 Wood Lane Calumet City, IL 60409" "18 Nut Swamp Road Merrimack, NH 03054" ...
#>   ..$ name        : chr [1:20] "Mrs. Freddie Pouros DDS" "Ms. Jada Lesch" "Inga Dach" "Keyshawn Schaefer" ...
#>   ..$ phone_number: chr [1:20] "626-594-4729" "919-530-5272" "706-669-5694" "746-328-6598" ...
#>   ..$ program     : chr [1:20] "premium" "standard" NA "standard" ...
#>  $ issues   : tibble [50 × 4] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>   ..$ id         : chr [1:50] "000001" "000002" "000003" "000004" ...
#>   ..$ borrower_id: chr [1:50] "000019" "000010" "000016" "000005" ...
#>   ..$ isbn       : chr [1:50] "0-676-97976-9" "978-0-7528-6053-4" "0-09-177373-3" "0-224-06252-2" ...
#>   ..$ date       : Date[1:50], format: "2015-03-17" "2008-09-13" ...
#>  $ returns  : tibble [30 × 2] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>   ..$ id  : chr [1:30] "000001" "000003" "000004" "000005" ...
#>   ..$ date: Date[1:30], format: "2015-04-06" "2014-10-23" ...

Let’s say we want to get list of all the library members that borrowed a selected book in 2016.

To start with, we define a Source storing librarian object, create Cohort and configure required filters in it (we choose “Birdsong” book as an example):

librarian_source <- set_source(

librarian_cohort <- librarian_source %>% 
        "discrete", id = "title", dataset = "books", 
        variable = "title", value = "Birdsong"
        "date_range", id = "issue_date", dataset = "issues", 
        variable = "date", range = c(as.Date("2016-01-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"))

The above filters cover only part of our case scenario condition:

  • filtering selected book,
  • filtering all the issues from 2016.

Configuring filters for borrowers is impossible - we don’t know upfront which issues were related to the selected book.

How can we overcome the issue?

Classic approach

With the classic approach, we may iteratively extract each information and extend cohort filters, for example we can define a new condition in the next filtering step:

selected_isbn <- get_data(librarian_cohort)$books$isbn
librarian_cohort %->% 
    filter("discrete", id = "isbn", dataset = "issues", variable = "isbn", value = selected_isbn)  
  ) %>% 
  run(step_id = 2)

Now librarian_cohort should store all the issues related to selected book. For the final part we need to filter borrowers based on those issues. We’ll do this filtering in the third step:

selected_borrower_id <- get_data(librarian_cohort)$issues$borrower_id
librarian_cohort %->% 
    filter("discrete", id = "borr_id", dataset = "borrowers", variable = "id", value = selected_borrower_id)  
  ) %>% 
  run(step_id = 3)

Resulting third-step data should contain desired information:

#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   id     registered address                           name  phone_number program
#>   <chr>  <date>     <chr>                             <chr> <chr>        <chr>  
#> 1 000009 2007-07-19 9692 E. Fifth Dr. Waterbury, CT … Mari… 669-975-6908 standa…
#> 2 000017 2014-04-07 8501 Lawrence Rd. Terre Haute, I… Rand… 895-995-2326 premium

Binding Keys

Now we’re going to get the same result with using binding-keys.

A single binding key describes relation of specified table, with the other set of tables included in source.

Note. We relate here to tables, but this can be any other object to which bindings abstraction is valid (i.e. relation between lists).

Let’s define relation between books and issues first and then we’ll explain the syntax:

issue_books_bk <- bind_key(
  update = data_key(dataset = "issues", key = "isbn"),
  data_key(dataset = "books", key = "isbn")

Shortly we should understand this key as:

Whenever table books is filtered, filter issues table as well (by inner join on isbn of both tables)

To make binding keys description easier, let’s name the table passed to update parameter as dependent one, and tables defined at ... as triggering ones.

As we could see above, we define both dependent and triggering tables using data keys (data_key). The first parameter of data_key, dataset stores information about source object name whereas key is a vector of keys used in join.

Note. We can define only one dependent table in each binding key, but any number of triggering tables (keeping in mind the defined keys are of the same length).

Note. Dependent table is updated if any of triggering tables changes.

Note. The triggering table is considered to be changed when it has at least active filter attached.

Note. The dependent table is marked as changed when updated (so that can trigger some bindings even if no active filters were attach to it). You may change this behavior by specifying activate = FALSE in bind_key.

No we can define full list of binding keys solving our case. We wrap multiple keys together using bind_keys:

case_bks <- bind_keys(
    update = data_key(dataset = "issues", key = "isbn"),
    data_key(dataset = "books", key = "isbn")
    update = data_key(dataset = "borrowers", key = "id"),
    data_key(dataset = "issues", key = "borrower_id")

We define binding keys while creating source, so we need to:

librarian_source <- set_source(
  binding_keys = case_bks

librarian_cohort <- librarian_source %>% 
        "discrete", id = "title", dataset = "books", 
        variable = "title", value = "Birdsong"
        "date_range", id = "issue_date", dataset = "issues", 
        variable = "date", range = c(as.Date("2016-01-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"))


#> inner join: df[isbn] 2/4 (50%) <2:1st> key_values[key_1] 1/1 (100%)
#> inner join: df[id] 2/20 (10%) <1:1st> key_values[key_1] 2/2 (100%)
#> $books
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   isbn          title    genre                      publisher    author   copies
#>   <chr>         <chr>    <chr>                      <chr>        <chr>     <int>
#> 1 0-09-177373-3 Birdsong General & Literary Fiction Random House Sebasti…      4
#> $borrowers
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   id     registered address                           name  phone_number program
#>   <chr>  <date>     <chr>                             <chr> <chr>        <chr>  
#> 1 000009 2007-07-19 9692 E. Fifth Dr. Waterbury, CT … Mari… 669-975-6908 standa…
#> 2 000017 2014-04-07 8501 Lawrence Rd. Terre Haute, I… Rand… 895-995-2326 premium
#> $issues
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   id     borrower_id isbn          date      
#>   <chr>  <chr>       <chr>         <date>    
#> 1 000009 000017      0-09-177373-3 2016-11-12
#> 2 000044 000009      0-09-177373-3 2016-11-20
#> $returns
#> # A tibble: 30 × 2
#>   id     date      
#>   <chr>  <date>    
#> 1 000001 2015-04-06
#> 2 000003 2014-10-23
#> 3 000004 2005-12-29
#> 4 000005 2006-03-26
#> 5 000006 2016-08-30
#> # ℹ 25 more rows
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "tblist"
#> attr(,"call")
#> as.tblist(librarian)

returns desired result within a single step.